About 18 Wheeler Accident Negligence
Commercial Motor Vehicle (18-wheeler/tractor-trailer) drivers and companies that hire those drivers are subject to very strict regulations set forth by the Federal Government and the States in which they drive.
When an 80,000+ pound vehicle is traveling 70+ miles per hour and it runs into you, the damages are almost always catastrophic, and often fatal.
Statewide Service, East Texas Roots

In addition to the serious injuries that occur when 18-wheelers crash into you and the regulations that drivers and their companies (called motor carriers) are supposed to follow, insurance companies treat these cases very differently from car wrecks involving passenger vehicles.
We commonly see situations where that the 18-wheeler driver and company that the driver works for do not have enough insurance to cover the damages in a case. Our team is especially skilled at finding additional sources of insurance and levels of companies to be held responsible when the commercial vehicle 18-wheeler driver or the trucking company that hires that driver has insufficient insurance to cover damages.
Current Cases
Jill Penn, Ricky Richards, and Ben Bonner are representing a young husband and wife who are the victims of an commercial motor vehicle that turned right from the left lane of a highway, apparently without checking to see that there was a car in the right lane and without having a functioning blinker.
The lawyers at Richards Penn Bonner are representing a young woman who was stopped to turn left when she was rear-ended by an 18-wheeler who was traveling too fast for the road conditions and too close to her. He attempted to swerve at the last minute, but he was unable to avoid crashing into her because of his speed and how close he was to her vehicle.